The results presented are approximate and variations may arise. Please note the various supports referenced are subject to eligibility criteria.
Fine Gael accepts no responsibility in relation to the details provided verses what you are actually eligible for. Your circumstances may not be accurately reflected in this calculator and you should satisfy yourself with your own research and engagement with the relevant government departments and agencies.
In some instances, when a benefit is subject to a maximum or 'up to' figure and will require its own calculation to obtain the exact figure, the highest level has been chosen for display purposes only.
Income tax and USC calculations are based on 24 case studies. You should select the case study that closest resembles your situation.
Five ways Budget 2024 helps people and families across the country
1. Significant cuts in income tax and USC to reward work and help people to keep more of their hard-earned income.
2. Putting more back in your pocket and helping with the cost of living like high energy costs, and higher payments for older people, carers and the most vulnerable:
Three energy credit payments of €150 to help with winter energy costs;
A €12 across-the-board increase in welfare rates for pensioners, people with disabilities, people between jobs and other vulnerable groups;
€300 extra to all households getting the Fuel Allowance;
Double Child Benefit payment;
Full Christmas Bonus to 1.3 million pensioners, carers and people with disabilities;
January cost of living bonus will be paid to people receiving a weekly social welfare payment.
3. Ensuring the best start for every child:
A 50% cut in the cost of childcare over two years;
Free schoolbooks up to junior cycle;
Free hot schools for 900 further primary schools, with a plan to extend to all primary schools;
1,200 extra Special Needs Assistants, giving us the highest ever number;
Over 700 additional special education teachers;
Slashing third level fees by up to €1,500;
Extend Child Benefit to 18-year-olds in full time education.
4. Building stronger, safer communities:
Up to 1,000 more Gardaí;
Investing in Community Safety Partnerships;
A 25 per cent increase to €131 million in Garda overtime to support high visibility policing and deal with anti-social behaviour;
A 66% increase in the Garda training allowance to €305 to boost recruitment;
The first Garda Reserve recruitment campaign since 2017;
€3.6m in additional funding for GoSafe speed cameras.
5. Delivering for rural Ireland and farmers:
Investing €431 million in rural communities through the Town & Village Scheme, Rural Regeneration Development Fund and LEADER;
Continuing the ACRES scheme, the agri-environmental scheme to help with biodiversity, climate, air and water quality on farms;
A Beef Scheme of €200 per cow;
Payments of €20 per ewe for sheep farmers;
€348 million will be invested to link 100,000 more homes to fibre broadband.
We are also helping businesses with higher costs like wages and energy:
An Increased Cost of Business Scheme will see once-off payments of €250 million to more than 130,000 businesses;
Increasing the R&D tax credit from 25% to 30%;
€145m Smart Regions Fund announced;
New Angel Investors Scheme to encourage high potential start-ups in Ireland.
Specific measures for children
Budget 2024 also follows up on the Taoiseach Leo Varadkar’s commitment to deal with Child Poverty:
€12 increase in weekly social welfare payments from January 2024;
A 50% cut in the cost of childcare over two years;
A €4 a week increase in the Qualified Child Allowance;
Free school books up to junior cycle;
Extend School Meals, on a phased basis in 2024, to all non-DEIS primary schools;
€400 cost of living lump sum paid to all families getting the Working Family Payment;
Double payment of Child Benefit to support all families to be paid in December 2023;
Extend Child Benefit to 18-year-olds in full time education, from September 2024;
A double payment of the Foster Care allowance will be paid this year;
Income thresholds for the Working Family Payment will increase by €54 per week regardless of family size from January 2024;
€100 cost of living lump sum for children eligible for the Qualified Child Allowance;
Christmas Bonus to be paid in December 2023;
January cost of living bonus for people getting a weekly social welfare payment, to be paid in 2024;
1,200 extra Special Needs Assistants;
Slashing third level fees by up to €1,500;
€100 increase in the Home Carer Tax Credit;
€100 increase in the Single Person Child Carer Credit;
€200 increase in the Incapacitated Child Tax Credit.
All of this is only possible because Fine Gael in Government made the right decisions and pursued the right economic policies for the past ten years.
We should not forget that or take it for granted. We are a small open economy and are vulnerable to external shocks from abroad and policy shifts at home.